2 Al Billet Homogenizers & 2 Coolers Headed Coast to Coast

Two aluminum homogenizers and two coolers are set to enhance U.S. operations for an aluminum manufacturer with locations across America. One of each unit will be sent to locations on opposite sides of the U.S.

The supplier of these systems is SECO/WARWICK USA. Homogenizers are a type of annealing furnace used in the aluminum industry to prepare log billets for extrusion. They heat the aluminum alloy logs to near-melting temperatures, then allow them to cool slowly, leaving a uniform molecular structure free of stresses or irregularities that compromise extrusion quality.

While proper homogenization requires a slow cool-down period, the large loads at this manufacturer’s location in the western side of the U.S. would take far longer than necessary to cool passively. So, after homogenizing, the load is removed from the homogenizer and placed into a cooler unit. The cooling is accomplished using a bank of high-power fans to keep fresh air passing over the hot ingots but cooling aluminum alloy to room temperature from close to 1000°F is not as simple as just placing the load in front of the fans. Instead, the cooler has walls that contain the heated air so it can be safely ducted to the exterior.

Marcus Lord
Managing Director at SECO/WARWICK Corporation

Headed to the eastern side of the U.S., the furnace and cooler are of a different style and customized to fit within the tighter footprint available in the facility. It is configured as a two-position traveling furnace with car-bottom loading, which means the furnace is mounted to roll on rails, with a door at both ends, so the load can be staged in open floor space, then the furnace rolls over the top of it. The cooler system is mounted on parallel rails, with an extendable roof and end walls, such that it can enclose the load, still stacked on the same furnace car-bottom. The furnace will replace the first traveling furnace that SECO/WARWICK ever fabricated, installed back in 1975, when the plant was under different ownership.

“We have provided this industry partner with equipment and support for decades and we share their commitment to a cleaner, greener future. These homogenizers and coolers will help them meet that commitment by increasing the energy efficiency of their aluminum production process,” commented Marcus Lord, the managing director at SECO/WARWICK USA.

The original press release can be accessed here.

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