Scott Cumming – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Scott Cumming
Company: Can-Eng Furnaces International, Ltd.
Position: Sales Manager


Scott Cumming’s vibrant and collaborative approach to problem solving and solution creation has allowed him to quickly advance from applications engineer to manager of After Sales Services, and now finally to the position of sale manager where he manages multi-million dollar technology solutions for multinational manufacturing companies. Scott often brings to the table an ability to validate proof of concept designs that elevate the value proposition above competitors, raising the bar of technology offering. An example of this relates to a continuous austemper processing challenge that was raised during the concept development stage with a new customer. Through validation and proof of concept testing, Scott was able to confidently demonstrate the system’s quality capability, which set his concept apart from others. It is anticipated that Scott will continue to improve throughout his career, leaving his options open for further significant advancement.

Nominated by: Can-Eng Furnaces International, Ltd.