Ami Hadley – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Ami Hadley
Company: Houston Heat Treat
Position: Quality Director
Commercial Heat Treater
Years in Industry: 16

Since 2008, Ami Hadley has taken great pride in making sure Houston Heat Treat provides the best service possible. Her journey at Houston Heat Treat began in the accounting department. From there, Ami joined the quality department, becoming quality assurance manager and later quality director. In this role, Ami draws on industry knowledge gained from her ISO 9001:2015 lead auditor certification and information she gleaned from a course named “The ABCs of Heat Treat.” Ami credits much of her industry knowledge to her involvement with committees held by the American Petroleum Institute (API) which have given her many opportunities to interact with some of the most intelligent people in the industry. Currently, Ami also sits on several of the API Committees including API 20E/20F (Bolting), 20H (Heat Treatment), 20P (Plating), 6A (Wellhead and Tree Equipment), SC21 (Materials), and SC18 (API Q1). She greatly enjoys learning and contributing at each meeting she attends.

Where education is concerned, Ami believes in teaching, and therefore in learning. She believes in creating a solid team by teaching each other and learning from each other; everyone knows a different aspect of the operation, and it is critical to include the whole team in the implementation of procedures as they will have the best ideas of how to improve them. Ami enjoys seeing Houston Heat Treat’s processes from all sides as it allows her to understand how processes can be improved.

Ami believes her most significant accomplishment in the heat treating industry has been obtaining Houston Heat Treat’s American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) approval. The work involved included writing a required ABS Quality Plan and incorporating all the necessary ABS Rules. This project was far more than Ami had anticipated, but in a positive way. When Ami and the Houston team took on this challenge, they had to learn as they went. They succeeded in not only obtaining approval after the first audit, but in making Houston a better company as a whole. Houston Heat Treat has been through five re-approvals with zero findings.

One client notes that Ami always goes above and beyond. When developing complicated PWHT cycles that can’t be done in house, this client sends the order to Ami. Ami reviews the orders and is sure to contact the client if she believes the client may be interpreting the specification or code incorrectly. Over the past 10 years with this client, Ami has caught a few mistakes. In addition, this client has also used Ami as a consultant when gaining their ISO 17025 accreditation. They have come to view Ami as an expert in quality.

At Houston Heat Treat, Ami is known for making sure QC stays on schedule. She handles all equipment requirements, shims, surveys, ETC, and all audits. Given her work with API, Ami is able to give input on when to update Houston Heat Treat’s standards. These accomplishments show Ami truly loves being in the industry and is always willing to help others succeed.

Nominated by: Welder Testing, Inc., Spring Bolt and Nut Mfg., D&P Technologies, Houston Heat Treat