Lucas Sanders – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Lucas Sanders
Company: IMT Elemental
Position: Plant Manager
Commercial Heat Treater
Years in Industry: 6

Lucas Sanders has experienced a rapid rise in responsibilities in his heat treating career to date. Lucas started at H&S Heat Treating as a college co-op student working in the Quality Assurance (QA) Lab. After graduating in 2020 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Niagara College, he was hired as a QA technologist in the QA Department.

Four years later, an opportunity was presented to Lucas to work in Application Engineering at Can-Eng, but was "lured back" to H&S nearly two years later to fill the sales manager position upon the retirement of the incumbent. Before this position opened, Lucas put his name forward for consideration for plant manager. In 2023, he assumed the position and has excelled ever since. His ability to connect with others and care for his work is evident as he has developed a very good rapport with the hourly workforce. The company can trace their consistently improving performance, both in productivity and financially, to the leadership moves spearheaded by Lucas.

Continuing his education, Lucas earned his C.E.T. designation from OACETT and is eager to attend the YES Management Training Program through MTI next year.

Nominated by: H&S Heat Treating