Christoph Bollgen – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Christoph Bollgen
Company: JUMO
Position: Market Segment Management Thermoprocess Technology
Supplier to the Industry
Years in Industry: 7

Over the last seven years, Christoph Bollgen has made an incredible journey from a college teaching assistant to the Market Segment manager at JUMO Process Control. Along the way, Christoph earned a bachelor's degree in Automation and Robotics from the University of Applied Science Fulda, Germany, and received a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Texas in Arlington. After joining JUMO, Christoph successfully participated in the CQI-9 Process Auditor training in 2019 and in the 2019 SECO/WARWICK Heat Treatment 4.0 Seminar, gaining expertise about topics such as theoretical and practical issues of heat treatment .

This impressive educational background set Christoph up as a talented educator. Christoph believes his most significant accomplishment in the industry so far has been sharing his knowledge through webinars and . During these webinars and market segment days, Christoph has been able to help clients address their challenges effectively by using his ability to stay informed about market trends and implementing that knowledge into JUMO’s products. This ability not only strengthens client relationships, but also drives innovation and improvements in JUMO’s offerings, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of the market. These numerous presentations, webinars, and leadership roles highlight the significant impact Christoph has on the industry.

Christoph’s journey reflects his unwavering commitment to growth and excellence. His proactive approach (Christoph is unafraid to engage with clients face-to-face) to educating and supporting colleagues, including flying across continents to share expertise, showcases his dedication. He is a shining example of integrity, passion, and initiative, consistently demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities that set him apart.

Nominated by: JUMO Process Control