Marco Antonio Delgado López – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Marco Antonio Delgado López
Position: Heat Treat Specialist
In-House Heat Treater
Years in Industry: 9

Marco Antonio Delgado López has contributed significantly to the heat treating industry through his research and leadership skills. His contributions to the industry began in 2015, when he joined SISAMEX as a researcher focusing on the distortion during the carburizing process. To back up this research, in 2023 Marco received a PhD in Materials Engineering, supervised by Professor Rafael Colás, presenting the work entitled, “Effect of the Carburizing Route on Metallurgical Characteristics, Residual Stresses and Distortion on Transmission Shafts,” a project focused on addressing a worldwide issue for the entire heat treatment industry. In addition, Marco has participated in heat treatment congresses as a speaker, including:

  • “International Conference on Quenching and Distortion” by International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE), in Nagoya (2018)
  • “Heat Treat 2019” by ASM, in Detroit, publishing on the Advanced Materials & Process the article entitled, “VACUUM CARBURIZATION OF A TRANSMISSION SHAFT”
  • “4th Mediterranean conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering” by International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE), in Lecce (2024)

Marco’s research has led him to develop distortion studies in atmospheric carburizing processes and participate in the optimization of various carburizing heat treatments, especially during the quenching process. These studies show great understanding of all the factors that influence distortion.

During his time at SISAMEX, Marco has held many roles, including innovation engineer, materials technology engineer, advanced manufacturing engineer, and finally, taking on the leadership role, heat treatment process specialist. In Marco’s current role, he has successfully participated in the development of various carburizing processes. Additionally, he has launched heat treatment equipment such as Endothermic gas generators and carburizing and tempering furnaces, prioritizing the main function and seeking improvements that can achieve better results and a robust operation.