Orlando García – Heat Treat Today 40 Under 40

Name: Orlando García
Company: ALD Thermal Treatment Inc.
Position: Metallurgical Manager
Commercial Heat Treater
Years in Industry: 13

Over his thirteen-year career, Orlando García has become the mentor to many new metallurgists through his work ethic, dedication, knowledge, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail both in North America and abroad. Orlando began this career in 2013 as a quality engineer at ALD Thermal Treatment and was later promoted to metallurgical engineer. He is currently the metallurgical manager and has held this position since 2020.

Outside of North America, Orlando worked with several R&D engineers throughout Europe (ALD Vacuum Technologies in 2015), an experience that helped him to become an expert on ALD processes and equipment. Adding to this hands-on experience, Orlando leverages two degrees: a bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering from Instituto Tecnologico de Saltillo and a master’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from CINVESTAV (Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN). In addition to these two degrees, he also draws from his work experience at Stabilus.

In North America, Orlando spends most of his time at the Ramos Arizpe, Mexico plant of ALD Thermal Treatment Inc. where he has launched new startups, new talent, and new processes. He is the main contact for client support on current and new programs and metallurgical matters and provides good advice on maintenance and pyrometry activities. Through this work, Orlando has shown himself to be an excellent, honest leader whom his employees and peers admire and respect. Orlando’s contributions at both North American ALD facilities has helped them earn the Supplier Quality Excellence Award from GM for multiple years. Due to these leadership skills and accomplishments, ALD Thermal Treatment is thankful to have Orlando.

Nominated by: ALD Thermal Treatment Inc.