Parts Distortion: How To Predict It and How To Account for It

Source: Paulo

No matter the craft, disappointment is inevitable when the end result doesn’t turn out as planned. But in heat treatment, distortion is more than just a disappointment, it could contribute to weakness in a component, putting lives at risk. The industry can be credited for its commitment to determining the causes and manners in which parts distort and how to eliminate the risk.

Today’s best of the web article examines the inevitability of distortion in heat treating and demonstrates how to predict changes in size and shape of parts during processing, acknowledging that “maintaining dimensional accuracy is essential, especially for mission-critical and safety-critical components with the tightest tolerances.”

An Excerpt:

“Every part you heat treat will have some degree of ‘ballooning’ and distortion, but there are ways to predict how much your parts will deform. Knowing how your parts will change during heat treatment allows you to account for that change in the design of the part and, in a perfect world, avoid an additional round of machining after heat treatment.”

Read the entire article from Paulo by clicking here: “How Much Distortion To Expect in Heat Treating”

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