Why Heat Treat Today?


Make People Happy. Make People Comfortable.

We believe that people are happier and make better decisions when they are well informed.

That's why it is our passion to find and deliver the best information for manufacturers with in-house heat treat departments. The most important thing in any purchasing situation is to be comfortable with the product, service, company, and/or person with whom you are dealing. The more you know, the more comfortable you will be.

Regardless of the media, whether it be a website, a magazine, a seminar, a podcast, or a video, the Heat Treat Today team will find the best information that will help in-house heat treaters make the best decisions possible.

Make Learning Pleasant.

Heat Treat Today's goal is to make learning a pleasant experience. Combining a variety of technologies along with varying proficiency levels of information, Heat Treat Today will be a modern and informative place to learn about the heat treat industry – technologies, markets, and news. If there is a way we can improve your learning experience, please send your suggestions to us at HTT@HeatTreatToday.com.