Source: Advanced Heat Treat Corp.
Case hardening is an essential process for many heat treating operations, but knowing the different types and functions of each is far from intuitive.
In this best of the web article, discover the differences between carburization, carbonitriding, nitriding, and nitrocarburizing, as well as what questions you should ask before considering case hardening. You will encounter technical descriptions and expert advice to guide your selection of which case hardening process will be most beneficial for your specific heat treat needs.
An excerpt:
Case hardening heat treatments, which includes nitriding, nitrocarburizing, carburizing, and carbonitriding, alter a part’s chemical composition and focus on its surface properties. These processes create hardened surface layers ranging from 0.01 to 0.25 in. deep, depending on processing times and temperatures. Making the hardened layer thicker incurs higher costs due to additional processing times, but the part’s extended wear life can quickly justify additional processing costs. Material experts can apply these processes to provide the most cost-effective parts for specific applications.
Read the entire article from Advanced Heat Treat Corp. by clicking here: "Case Hardening Heat Treatments"