Dig into the Archives: 5 Technical Articles for Fresh Heat Treaters in Auto

OCAre you a relatively new reader in automotive heat treat? Welcome. Enjoy this archive of articles from the automotive industry, which provides years of technical knowledge to fill any information gaps. Even the "OG" readers with Heat Treat Today will want to investigate this Technical Tuesday original content compilation that plumbs the depths of the archives.

1. What Heat Treatment To Use for Truck Gear Boxes?

Fig. 2. Schematic depiction of pusher furnace (l.) and 3D batch of helical gears (r.)This paper reveals the investigation and conclusions of distortion potentials for case hardening processes. Mainly, the focus was on how the SyncroTherm® concept method compared to conventional case-hardening processes for gears and sliding sleeves.

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Read about how the results effected the bottom line: reduced costs, quicker processes, and less distortion. Also, be sure to examine each of the charts and figures for further understanding of each test.

This article entered the Automotive Heat Treat archive in 2016, and was written by Andreas Schüler, Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kleff, Dr. Volker Heuer, Gunther Schmitt, and Dr. Thorsten Leist.

Read about here: "Distortion of Gears and Sliding Sleeves for Truck Gear Boxes – a Systematical Analysis of Different Heat Treatment Concepts"


2. Cracking the Case

Problems in heat treating result in the loss of valuable time and money. Getting to the bottom of those problems also usually takes time and money to investigate what's happening and how to fix it. What is a heat treater to do?

In this article, we follow a case study from the automotive industry to understand how to pinpoint a heat treating problem. This article specifically looks at what was causing cracking in variable valve timing (VVT) plates.

Read the 2018 article, "Part Failure Investigation & Resolution — A Case Study," by Rob Simons.


3. Carburizing: The Importance of Temperature Monitoring and Surveying

Temperature Monitoring and Surveying Solutions for Carburizing Auto Components: IntroductionLow pressure carburizing (LPC) furnaces play an important role in the automotive heat treating industry. During LPC, it is essential that processing temperature stays consistent and critical that the processing time frame is monitored.

This article discusses the importance of collecting temperature data and what to do with the data when it's been collected.

Throughout 2019, Dr. Steve Offley wrote for this series, beginning with this part 1, "Temperature Monitoring and Surveying Solutions for Carburizing Auto Components: Introduction." When you're through, enjoy part 2, part 3, and part 4.


4. Vacuum Brazing --- Back to the (Automotive) Basics

Vacuum Brazing for Automotive ApplicationsTime to brush up on a vacuum brazing furnace, but automotive industry style. Review the terms, parts, function, and more that are involved in a successful vacuum braze for automotive parts.

This study covers a semi-automatic TAV vacuum brazing furnaces, details the makeup of the furnace, and gives an idea of what happens with a load from start to finish.

Read this 2019 article by Alessandro Fiorese here: "Vacuum Brazing for Automotive Applications."


5. Saving Time --- Automation Versus Manual Hardness Tests

If you've ever heat treated automotive crank pins, you're probably familiar with at least one type of hardness test that case hardened crank pins are tested against. The big question is, which hardness testing method is better: automated or manual? This article compares these two methods to make and measure Vickers indentations.

Evaluate for yourself the comparisons between an experienced operator manually entering data to Wilson VH3100 series Vickers Microhardness Tester and a DiaMet software entry. Some additional findings show that the crank pins could be examined by the Wilson tester with far less manipulation in the vice as well as reduction in data recording mistakes.

When you read this 2020 article by Buehler, "Manual Versus Automated Hardness Testing", learn exactly how much time, exactly, is saved with automation.

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Top 3 Heat Treat Grab and Go Visuals

OCWe get it. You read all day: emails, memos, furnace monitoring screens. To give your eyes a break, Heat Treat Today wanted to provide some grab and go visual resources. In this original content piece, check out some visuals to help you learn about the difference between Nitriding and FNC; discover how the U.S. is doing in the race to green steel production; and get an example of the type of numbers that are normal for a CQI-9 probe method A test.

The Numbers Don't Lie: Green American Steel Is Better than You Think

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In Heat Treat Today's August 2021 Automotive print edition, Lourenco Goncalves, chairman, president, and CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. made a big statement: "The United States is the benchmark of the world in all things steel. Amongst all major steelmaking nations, we have by far the greenest emissions profile."

In a climate where the United States often gets a bad rap when it comes to environmental concerns, Lourenco's statement is hard to believe. But, the data below contradicts this bad reputation. Check out the graphic below to learn how the United States stacks up to other countries in steel production.

CQI-9: Understanding Probe Method A

Ensuring heat treating equipment falls within CQI-9 standards can be tricky. According to Erika Zarazúa, regional purchasing manager at Global Thermal Solutions, probe method A may be the best way to identify variations in control systems.


If you're curious about how probe method A works, view the chart below (in both English and Spanish) for an example of the kind of numbers that are typical for this test method.

Table 1. Probe method A
Tabla 1. Método de sonda A


Nitriding vs. FNC . . . What's the Difference?

These days, it seems like most heat treat shops are updating equipment or changing procedures to accommodate demands for ferritic nitrocarburizing. But how different are the two processes, really? When it comes to materials commonly processed, time cycles involved, and atmospheres required, where does the difference between nitriding and FNC begin? The chart below is a quick and easy guide to distinguishing the difference between these two hardening processes. Skim away or take a deep dive into the technicalities!

About the Authors:

Lourenco Goncalves is chairman, president, and CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc

Erika Zarazúa, a 40 Under 40 Class of 2021 member, is a metallurgical engineer with over 18 years of experience in heat treatment operations and temperature measurement and has worked in multiple engineering, quality, and project roles in the automotive and aerospace industries. Erika currently holds the position of regional purchasing manager at Global Thermal Solutions.

 Jason Orosz and Mark Hemsath at Nitrex, Thomas Wingens at WINGENS LLC – International Industry Consultancy, and Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor at The HERRING GROUP, Inc., provided expert input for the Nitriding vs. FNC table.


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Guide To Conducting SATs According to CQI-9 4th Edition

OCThe AIAG CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment) is the most accepted standard in the automotive industry for the validation of heat treatment operations. This article summarizes the evaluation requirements and illustrates the benefits of conducting this test to identify variations in control systems using the probe method A.

Read the English translation of this Technical Tuesday article by Erika Zarazúa, regional purchasing manager at Global Thermal Solutions, in the version below, or read both the Spanish and the English translation of the article where it was originally published: Heat Treat Today's August 2022 Automotive print edition.

"La evaluación CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment) de AIAG es el estándar mas aceptado en la industria automotriz. . . ."

Erika Zarazúa
Regional Purchasing Manager 
Global Thermal Solutions México
Source: Global Thermal Solutions México

1. Application

System Accuracy Tests (SATs) must be performed on all control, monitoring, and recording systems of thermal processing equipment. This does not apply to “high limit” systems, whose sole function is to protect the furnace from overheating.

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The test thermocouple used for the SAT must meet the accuracy requirements defined by CQI-9 in table P3.1.3 (±1.1°C or ±2°F maximum error). Similarly, table P3.2.1 of the same section defines the requirements for the field test instrument (±0.6°C or ±1°F maximum error).

SATs conducted by “probe method” should be performed quarterly or after any maintenance that could affect the accuracy of the measurement system such as:

  • Replacement of lead wire
  • Replacement of the control thermocouple
  • Replacement of the control/recording instrument

2. Procedure (Probe Method A)

Probe method A is a comparison between the furnace temperature reading and a corrected test temperature reading.

Table 1. Probe method A
Tabla 1. Método de sonda A

When inserting the test thermocouple, ensure that the tip of the probe is placed as close as possible to the tip of the thermocouple to be tested, and no further than 50mm. Once placed in the test position, it is recommended to allow some time for both systems to reach equilibrium before conducting the test.

If the difference between the furnace temperature reading and corrected reading of the test system exceeds ±10°F (±5°C), then corrective actions must be conducted before processing a product. The most common corrective actions are to replace the control thermocouple, calibrate and adjust the control/recording instrument, or to combine both methods. According to CQI-9, these actions must be documented.

3. Records

CQI-9 revision 4 specifies that the SAT must be documented, and the records must include, at a minimum, the following information:

a. Furnace thermocouple identification
b. Test thermocouple identification
c. Identification of the test instrument
d. Date and time of the test
e. Setpoint value
f. Reading observed in the control system
g. Observed reading on test system
h. Thermocouple and test instrument correction factors
i. Test system corrected reading
j. Difference calculated from the SAT
k. Name and signature of the technician performing the test
l. Company performing the test (if external)
m. ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation of the company (if external)
n. Approval of the person responsible for heat treatment

4. Conclusion

The pyrometry section of CQI-9 lists the requirements and procedures for conducting system accuracy tests (Section P3.3). Within CQI-9, there are two important requirements heat treaters must be aware of. First, the furnace temperature measurement system must not deviate more than ±10°F (±5°C) from the test system. If this is the case, the equipment must not be used for thermal processing and corrective actions must be taken. Second, the SAT report must contain each time this test is conducted. With probe method A, variations in controls systems are easily identifiable.



[1] CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment, 4th Edition. Automotive Industry Action Group, 2020.

[2] International Organization for Standardization; ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, 3rd Edition. International Organization for Standardization, 2017.

(Photo source: Global Thermal Solutions)


About the Author: Erika Zarazúa, a 40 Under 40 Class of 2021 member, is a metallurgical engineer with over 18 years of experience in heat treatment operations and temperature measurement and has worked in multiple engineering, quality, and project roles in the automotive and aerospace industries. Erika currently holds the position of regional purchasing manager at Global Thermal Solutions.

Contact Erika:

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Guide To Conducting SATs According to CQI-9 4th Edition Read More »

Guía para conducir pruebas System Accuracy Tests conforme a CQI-9 4ta. Edición

OCThe AIAG CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment) is the most accepted standard in the automotive industry for the validation of heat treatment operations. This article summarizes the evaluation requirements and illustrates the benefits of conducting this test to identify variations in control systems using the probe method A.

Read the Spanish translation of this article by Erika Zarazúa, gerente regional de compras de Global Thermal Solutions México, in the version below, or read both the Spanish and the English translation of the article where it was originally published: Heat Treat Today's August 2022 Automotive print edition.

La evaluación CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment) de AIAG es el estándar mas aceptado en la industria automotriz para la validación de operaciones de tratamiento térmico y, entre muchas cosas, describe los requisitos generales y el procedimiento para conducir las pruebas SAT (System Accuracy Test) a los sistemas medición de temperatura de los equipos de procesamiento térmico. Este artículo sintetiza los requerimientos de la evaluación e ilustra los beneficios de conducir esta prueba para identificar variaciones en los sistemas de control mediante el método de sonda “A”.

Erika Zarazúa
Gerente Regional de Compras 
Global Thermal Solutions México
Source: Global Thermal Solutions México

1. Aplicación

Las pruebas SAT deben realizarse a todos los sistemas de control, monitoreo y registro de los equipos de procesamiento térmico. Esto no aplica para los sistemas de ‘alto-límite” cuya única función es la de proteger al horno de un sobre calentamiento.

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El termopar de prueba empleado para la prueba SAT debe cumplir con los requisitos de precisión que define CQI-9 en la tabla P3.1.3 de la sección de Pirometría (±1.1°C o ±2°F máximo de error). De igual manera, la tabla P3.2.1 de la misma sección define los requisitos para el instrumento de prueba - field test instrument (±0.6°C o ±1°F máximo de error).

Las pruebas SAT por el método de sonda deben realizarse trimestralmente o después de algún mantenimiento que pudiera afectar la precisión del sistema de medición como:

  • Reemplazo del cable de extensión
  • Reemplazo del termopar de control
  • Reemplazo del instrumento de control/registro

2. Procedimiento (Método de sonda A)

El método de sonda A es una comparación entre la lectura del sistema de medición del horno y un sistema de medición de prueba corregido:

Table 1. Probe method A
Tabla 1. Método de sonda A

Al insertar el termopar de prueba, se debe asegurar que la punta se coloque lo mas cerca de la punta del termopar a ser probado, y no mas lejos de 50mm. Una vez colocado en la posición de prueba, se recomienda permitir cierto tiempo para que ambos sistemas alcancen un equilibrio antes de conducir la prueba.

Si la diferencia entre el sistema de medición del horno y sistema de prueba corregido excede de ±5°C (±10°F) entonces se deben conducir acciones correctivas antes de procesar producto. Las acciones correctivas mas comunes consisten en reemplazar el termopar de control, calibrar y ajustar el instrumento de control/registro o una combinación de ambas. De acuerdo a CQI-9, estas acciones deben ser documentadas.

3. Registros

CQI-9 revisión 4 especifica que la prueba SAT debe documentarse y los registros deben incluir como mínimo la siguiente información

a. Identificación del termopar del horno
b. Identificación del termopar de prueba
c. Identificación del instrumento de prueba
d. Fecha y hora de la prueba
e. Valor del setpoint
f. Lectura observada en el sistema de control
g. Lectura observada en el sistema de prueba
h. Factores de corrección del termopar e instrumento de prueba
i. Lectura corregida del sistema de prueba
j. Diferencia calculada del SAT
k. Nombre y firma del técnico que realiza la prueba
l. Compañía que realiza la prueba (si es externa)
m. Acreditación en ISO/IEC 17025 de la compañía (si es externa)
n. Aprobación del responsable de tratamiento térmico

4. En resumen

La sección de Pirometría de CQI-9 revisión 4 indica los requerimientos y el procedimiento para la realización de la prueba SAT (Sección P3.3).

El sistema de medición de temperatura del horno no debe presentar una desviación mayor a los ±5°C (±10°F) respecto al sistema de prueba. Si este fuera el caso, el equipo no debe usarse para procesamiento térmico y deben aplicarse acciones correctivas.

CQI-9 especifi ca la información que debe contener el informe de SAT cada vez que se conduce esta prueba.



[1] Automotive Industry Action Group; CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment, 4rd Edition, June 2020.

[2] International Organization for Standardization; ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. 3rd Edition, 2017.

(Fuente de la foto: Global Thermal Solutions)

Sobre el autor: Erika Zarazúa es Ingeniera Química Metalúrgica por parte de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Con más de 18 años de experiencia en operaciones de tratamiento térmico y medición de temperatura, ha trabajado en múltiples roles de ingeniería, calidad y proyectos en las industrias automotriz y aeroespacial. Actualmente ocupa el cargo de Gerente Regional de Compras de Global Thermal Solutions.

Contacto Erika:

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Guía para conducir pruebas System Accuracy Tests conforme a CQI-9 4ta. Edición Read More »

Green American Steel: The Envy of the World with CEO Lourenco Goncalves

op-edHow can steel production be "green"? Where does the United States stand in steel production when compared to the rest of the world?

Lourenco Goncalves, chairman, president, and CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. answers these questions and more in this article, originally published in Heat Treat Today's August 2021 Automotive print edition.

Lourenco Goncalves
Chairman, President, CEO
Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc.

The United States is the benchmark of the world in all things steel. Amongst all major steelmaking nations, we have by far the greenest emissions profile. On average, each ton of steel produced in the United States generates 1.0 tons of CO2 emissions, compared to a ton of steel produced by China which generates 2.5 tons of CO2 emissions. The U.S. generates only 2% of all the greenhouse gas emissions from global steel production, while China contributes 64%.

The attributes that make our industry so green are the use of scrap, natural gas as both a reductant and energy source, and green iron ore pellets in blast furnaces. Because scrap cannot be used in a closed loop, natural gas and pellets allow for a healthy participation of low-carbon intensity virgin iron and steel units in a well-balanced ecosystem.

Steel’s emissions profile also makes it the lowest-carbon option compared to other materials perceived to be green, such as aluminum and carbon fiber. Adjusting for part weight, production of the equivalent volume of these competing materials generates 5 to 10 times more CO2 emissions than steel made in the United States.

This emissions profile is just one of many attributes that will support steel’s continued position as the material of choice in automotive light vehicle bodies. On top of being the greenest material and having a 100-year incumbency advantage, steel is more affordable than aluminum and is easier to weld, form, and repair or replace. Our continued innovation in advanced high strength steels (AHSS) has allowed us to produce thinner, lighter-weight, yet stronger materials, and closed the gap on the perceived density advantages that the aluminum industry has touted.

Even though we boast a low emissions profile, our work is not done. At Cleveland-Cliffs, we have made public our target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. In our global discussion about decarbonization, the use of hydrogen (H2) as an iron-reducing agent has emerged as playing a key role in a carbon neutral future. While clean and leaving only steam (H2O) as its byproduct, large scale H2 use in steelmaking is an unproven technology that comes with enormous practical challenges, including safety and prohibitive costs. Knowing what we know today, we are probably decades away from H2 becoming part of any affordable and easily available technology.

At Cliffs, we don’t want to rely on breakthrough technologies, but rather deal with practical decarbonization options. Our efforts involve the use of the hydrogen contained in natural gas, which is actually a mix of 95% CH4 and 4% C2H6. Natural gas is used as the reducing agent at our new, state-of-the-art DRI facility in Toledo, OH, as well as a meaningful supplemental reductant in all eight of our blast furnaces. The abundance of cheap natural gas in the United States will continue to provide us ample opportunity to decarbonize.

Steel is the inevitable material of choice in a modern, greener world. As the largest flat-rolled steel producer in North America, Cleveland-Cliffs will remain on the cutting edge in shaping the future and further cementing our industry as the envy of the world.

About the Author: Lourenco Goncalves is chairman, president, and CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc

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