Manufacturing Heat Treat Technical Content

Dual Chamber Vacuum Furnaces vs. Single Chamber Vacuum Furnaces — An Energy Perspective

The need to understand how certain furnace designs operate comes at a time when heat treaters are weighing each energy cost and benefit of their systems and processes. Read on for a quick summary on how dual chamber furnaces preserve energy.

On April 17-19, 2024, TAV VACUUM FURNACES provided a speaker at the 4th MCHTSE (Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering). The speech focused on the energy aspects of vacuum heat treatment, a subject towards which all of us within the industry need to pay attention for reducing the carbon emissions aiming at a zero net emissions future.

We have already analyzed the essential role that vacuum furnaces will play in this transition, with a focus on the optimization of energy consumption in our previous article. With this new presentation, we wanted to emphasize how selecting the right vacuum furnace configuration for specific processes may impact the energy required to perform such process. For doing so, we compared two different furnace designs — single chamber vs. dual chamber vacuum furnaces — detailing all of the components’ energy consumption for a specific process.

TAV DC4, dual chamber vacuum furnace for low pressure carburizing and gas quenching

As a sneak peek into our presentation, we will summarize below how the main features of the two vacuum furnaces design are affecting their energy performance.

Let’s start by introducing the protagonist of our comparison: a single chamber, graphite insulated vacuum furnace, model TAV H4, and a dual chamber furnace TAV DC4, both having useful volume 400 x 400 x 600 mm (16” x 16” x 24”) (w x h x d).

In a single chamber vacuum furnace, like the TAV H4, the entire process is carried out with the load inside the furnace hot zone. This represents a highly flexible configuration that can perform complex heat treatment recipes with a multiple sequence of heating and cooling stages and to precisely control the temperature gradients at each stage.

Configuration of the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

Alternatively, a dual chamber vacuum furnace, like the TAV DC4, is equipped with a cold chamber, separated from the hot zone, dedicated for quenching. Despite the greater complexity of this type of vacuum furnace, the dual chamber configuration allows for several benefits.

First, in dual chamber furnaces, the graphite insulated hot chamber is never exposed to ambient air during loading and unloading of the furnace; for this reason, the hot chamber may be pre-heated at the treatment temperature (or at a lower temperature, to control the heating gradient). But in single chamber vacuum furnaces, the hot zone must always be loaded and unloaded at room temperature to avoid damages due to heat exposure of graphite to oxygen.

Because dual chamber furnaces have more controlled heating, this will result in both faster heating cycles and lower energy consumption, as a substantial amount of energy is required to heat up the furnace hot zone. This advantage obviously will be more relevant in terms of energy savings the shorter the time is between subsequent heat treatments.

View of the cold chamber of the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

Secondly, since the quenching phase is performed in a separated chamber, the hot zone insulation can be improved in dual chamber vacuum furnaces by increasing the thickness of the graphite board without compromising cooling performance. This translates into a significantly lower heat dissipation, to the extent that at 2012°F (1100°C) the power dissipation per surface unit (kW/m2) is reduced by 25% compared to an equivalent single chamber vacuum furnace.

Additionally, quenching in a dedicated cold chamber allows to obtain higher heat transfer coefficients and higher cooling rates compared to a single chamber vacuum furnace. Since the cold chamber is dedicated solely to the quenching phase, it can be designed for optimizing the cooling gas flow only without the need to accommodate all the components required for heating. All things considered, the heat transfer coefficient achievable in the TAV DC4 can be, all other things being equal, even 50% higher compared to a single chamber vacuum furnace. Secondly, since the cold chamber remains at room temperature throughout the whole process, only the load and loading fixtures need to be cooled down; as a result, the amount of heat that needs to be dissipated is significantly less compared to the single chamber counterpart.

CFD simulation showing a study on the cooling gas speed in a section of the cooling chamber for the TAV DC4 dual chamber vacuum furnace

For heat treatments requiring high cooling rates, it is possible to process significantly higher loads on the dual chamber furnace compared to the single chamber model; translated into numbers, the dual chamber model can effectively quench as much as double processable in a single chamber furnace, depending on the alloy grade, load configuration and overall process. The savings in terms of energy consumption per unit load (kWh/kg) achievable in the dual chamber furnace for such processes can be as high as 50% compared to the single chamber furnace.

In the end, the aim of the speech was to highlight how the energy efficiency of vacuum furnaces is highly dependent on the machine-process combination. Choosing the right vacuum furnace configuration for a specific application, instead of relying solely on standardised solutions, will improve significantly the energy efficiency of the heat treatment process and drive the return on investment.

About the Author

Giorgio Valseccchi
R&D Manager

Giogio Valsecchi has been with the company TAV VACUUM FURNACES for nearly 4 years, after having studied mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Milano. 

For more information: Contact Giorgio at

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Sustainability Insights: Forging a Sustainable Path to Decarbonization

The search for sustainable solutions in the heat treat industry is at the forefront of research for industry experts. In this article, provided by IHEA Sustainability Initiatives, a path to sustainable decarbonization is suggested that cuts through the murky waters of changing terms and shifting protocol and charts instead a navigable course with updated definitions and industry resources, such as IHEA’s upcoming Decarbonization SUMMIT in Indianapolis, IN, this fall.

This Sustainability Insights article was first published in Heat Treat Today’s May 2024 Sustainability print edition.

There is no hotter topic (no pun intended) than decarbonization. Just about everywhere you go and everything you read or listen to talks about sustainability and decarbonization. As leaders and stewards in the industrial heating industry, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) is committed to being at the forefront of providing valuable information and developments around the topics of sustainability and decarbonization. For the past 18 months, IHEA has been developing and delivering a highly successful Sustainability Webinar Series; continuously updating terms and definitions, frequently asked questions, and resources for the industry on the IHEA website; and, in its biggest step, is now offering a comprehensive Decarbonization SUMMIT from October 28–30, 2024 in Indianapolis, IN.

Current IHEA President and Sustainability Committee Chair Jeff Rafter states, “All IHEA members are continuously being asked about ways to decarbonize their processes. As the industry association dedicated to all things ‘heating,’ we feel it is our duty to present an unbiased view of what’s happening now, how companies can begin the process of lowering their carbon emissions on their current equipment, while beginning to look at all the alternatives that are coming and how those might fit into their operations. There is no question that change is imminent. We want to be the resource that the industry uses for information on all options to begin to decarbonize operations.”

While not much is going to happen overnight, “Legislation is going to be coming,” notes IHEA Board Member Mike Stowe, who is serving on the ISO Decarbonization Committee. “The best thing companies can do is begin preparing now. Take a look at your current operations and start making changes that improve efficiency now. Educate yourself and your staff on technologies that will help you lower carbon emissions. Be ready for what lies ahead.”

IHEA is ready to help the industry take the next step by hosting its first Industrial Heating Decarbonization SUMMIT. This event is designed to start shaping the future of manufacturing heating processes. It will include keynote addresses by industry visionaries; ways to begin your decarbonization process now; a look ahead at various technologies that can also help you decarbonize; case histories and a panel discussion on decarbonization collaboration; networking with industry leaders, and a tabletop exhibition that showcases cutting-edge technology.

Themes Running Throughout the SUMMIT Will Focus On:

  • Low Carbon Fuels in Industrial Processes
  • Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies
  • Global Benchmarking
  • Economics and Business Concerns
  • Innovations in Clean Technologies
  • DOE (Department of Energy) Programs and Tools
  • Policy Frameworks for Decarbonization

Target Audience for the SUMMIT:

  • CEOs and Executives from Industrial Companies
  • Sustainability Officers and Environmental Managers
  • Government Officials and Policymakers
  • Researchers and Academics in Clean Technology
  • Sustainability Engineers and Program Managers
  • Directors of Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Utility Representatives

“We are in a unique position,” comments IHEA President Jeff Rafter. “There has never been an issue like this that has faced our industry. Working together and bringing the industry together at a SUMMIT gives everyone a forum to learn, share ideas and best practices, review recent technologies, and begin lowering carbon emissions as an industry. No one is going to do this alone.”

IHEA’s tabletop exhibits that will accompany the SUMMIT programming will allow attendees to get a close look at a wide array of information that will help them in their decarbonization efforts. Those interested in reserving a tabletop should visit Tabletops are expected to sell out quickly.

As IHEA works its way towards the SUMMIT in the fall, the Sustainability Webinar Series is still underway. Nearly 1,000 people have logged on over the past year since the first webinar was launched. Upcoming Webinars include:

May 16Increasing Available Heat to Lower CO2 Emissions
June 20Understanding Carbon Credits & Net Zero
July 18U.S. Codes & Standards
August 15Renewable Fuels

Additional webinars will be supplemented to this list regularly. IHEA’s webinars are free to attend. You can register by going to IHEA’s website ( and clicking on the Sustainability logo on the home page. Then scroll down and click on the “Sustainability Webinar Series” to review and register for the upcoming webinars. If you have a sustainability topic you would like us to address, please email the topic to, and we’ll work to create a webinar.

For more information:

Connect with IHEA Sustainability & Decarbonization Initiatives

Article provided by IHEA Sustainability Initiatives

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Basic Definitions: Power Pathways in Vacuum Furnaces

Ever wish you had a map to follow when navigating your power source? In the following Technical Tuesday article, Brian Turner, sales applications engineer at RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., charts the route that power takes from the source to the load and back again in a vacuum furnace.

In a vacuum furnace, the journey from the load (the material being heat treated) to the incoming power involves a complex arrangement of components that deliver, control, and monitor electrical energy. Here’s a breakdown of the path from the source to the load and back to the source of incoming power of a vacuum furnace:


The material — either an item or batch of items — that is undergoing heat treatment; can be metals, ceramics, or composites.

Heating Elements

Common materials for heating elements include graphite, molybdenum, or tungsten, depending on the temperature range and application.

Electrical Feedthrough

These are used to transmit electrical power or signals through the vacuum chamber wall. They often contain insulated conductors and connectors to ensure safe transmission without leaking air into the vacuum environment.


The most common methods to connect power from a vacuum power source to the furnace’s feedthrough include air-cooled cables, water-cooled cables, and copper bus bar. Power efficiency can be improved when selecting the length, size, and area between conductors. This can be achieved by close coupling the power system to the electrical feedthroughs, reducing resistance and inductive reactance, and improving the power factor.

Machined Copper Bar
Source: RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

Controlled Power Distribution Systems

The furnace market today generally relies on three primary types of control power distribution systems: VRT, SCR, and IGBT. Each of these technologies employs different methods to regulate the power input to the furnace, which in turn generates the required heat.

VRT (Variable Reactance Transformer)

  • The VRT controls AC voltage to the load, this is accomplished by a DC power controller that injects DC current into the reactor within the transformer.

SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)

IGBT (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor)

  • Balanced three-phase voltage is rectified through a bridge circuit to charge a capacitor in the DC bus. The IGBT network switches the DC bus at 1000Hz to control the AC output voltage to a Medium Frequency Direct Current (MFDC) power supply.
  • MFDC power supply transforms the AC voltage to a practical level and rectifies the secondary voltage (DC) to the heating circuit.
  • A line reactor on the incoming three-phase line mitigates harmonic content.

Control Systems

These systems manage the furnace’s operation, including driving the setpoint of the power system, temperature control, vacuum levels, and timing. They often consist of programmable logic controllers (PLCs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), sensors, and other automation components.

Incoming Power

This is the origin of the furnace’s electrical energy, typically from a utility grid. It provides alternating current (AC), which is distributed and transformed within the furnace system to power all necessary components. In industrial settings, power companies usually charge for electricity based on several factors that reflect both the amount of electricity used and how it’s used. Some common charges/penalties are energy consumption (kWh), demand charges (kW), power factor penalties, and time-of-use (TOU) reactive power.


The careful arrangement of heating elements, electrical feedthroughs, conductors, and controlled power distribution systems allows for precise temperature control, ultimately impacting the quality of the processed material. Understanding the role of various control systems, such as VRT, SCR, IGBTs, and transformers is crucial for optimizing furnace performance and managing energy costs

About the Author:

Brian Turner
Sales Applications Engineer
RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.
Source: RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

Brian K. Turner has been with RoMan Manufacturing, Inc., for more than 12 years. Most of that time has been spent managing the R&D Lab. In recent years, he has taken on the role as applications engineer, working with customers and their applications.

For more information: Contact Brian at

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