Research Institute Expands R&D Capabilities with Heat Treat Furnace
A technology research institute has chosen a heat treat vacuum furnace which will support research and development in the fields of materials engineering and machine construction and operation.
SECO/WARWICK will supply a Vector® vacuum furnace with high-pressure gas hardening and will include options for vacuum carburizing, pre-nitriding for carburizing technology, low-pressure nitriding (LPN), and low-pressure carbonitriding (LPCN).
This configuration provides precision performance in vacuum, ensuring steel detail surfaces are protected, and the ability to carry out hardening processes through the use of high cooling gas pressures (15 bar).
The small vacuum furnace will have a working space of 400x400x600 mm. With a round heating chamber, the furnace, despite its small size, can be used to test and perform research on many sizes of parts including work with large dimensions.
Says Sławomir Woźniak, CEO of the SECO/WARWICK Group, "We cooperate with scientific institutions all over the world because we are aware that industry development depends on their work. Many groundbreaking discoveries have already been made, but I am sure that many more are yet to come."
The R&D institute deals with methods of refining metal products by increasing their corrosion resistance and increasing mechanical properties, especially fatigue strength and resistance to wear in friction processes. The technological institute strives to disseminate and apply in practice the results of scientific research and development work, develops new technologies, and conducts service activities.
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