Captive Heat Treater to Receive Vacuum Furnace

HTD Size-PR LogoA captive heat treater in New England will receive a 10-bar gas quenching vacuum furnace. The model features high pressure gas quenching and vacuum carburizing. With temperature uniformity of ±10°F, it is consistent with AMS2750F requirements.

Jason Davidson
Northeast Regional Sales Manager

"The research and development done with our sister company, Solar Atmospheres, on the alloy selection, carburizing, and recipe process development, was instrumental to the sale of the furnace," states Jason Davidson, Northeast regional sales manager at Solar. He adds that the customer valued the additional resource that the sister company had to offer.

The furnace has a graphite insulated hot zone with a work area measuring 24” wide x 24” high x 36” deep and a load weight capacity up to 2,000 pounds. Its maximum operating temperature of 2400°F.

You can see these dimensions in the video below that the supplier, Solar Manufacturing, shared on Twitter.

(photo source: Solar Manufacturing)