Source: TAV, the Vacuum Furnace Blog

What is debinding in metal additive manufacturing (AM)? How do you debind after 3D printing? How do you avoid contamination during metal debinding? Heat Treat Today’s Technical Tuesday article features this Best of the Web piece to answer your questions.
There are several changes that have made new technologies of AM and 3D printing increasingly implemented in the heat treating process. Some of these reasons include: falling costs of 3D printers; increasing geometric abilities; constant rate of the costs of production; and a “drastic reduction” in process waste. Read on to learn how to properly “debind” as you implement these new technologies in the heat treatment process.
An excerpt: “The working temperatures in the debinding phase are in the range between 70 °C (158 °F) and the 450 °C (842 °F), corresponding to the melting temperatures of the various organic compounds.”
Read more: “How to Properly Debind Parts Produced by Metal Additive Manufacturing”
All images sourced from the original article.