Fact Sheet: Responding to DOE Regulations on the Heat Treating Industry

“The effort to stem global warming/climate change must be tempered by open discourse on the efficacy of proposed regulations. Until we have the technology in place to accomplish decarbonization without eviscerating our industrial, transportation, and power industries, we must slow down the indiscriminate steps that the U.S. Department of Energy has laid out for heat treaters.”

Click to download the resource: “Responding to DOE Regulations on the Heat Treating Industry

Michael Mouilleseaux, chairman of the Metal Treating Institute (MTI) Regulatory Impact Task Force, has written extensively on the topic of green energy regulations on the industry, raising questions for heat treaters to consider, like: Are your heat treat operations ready to eliminate natural gas by 2035? Can it afford revising the heating apparatus of every furnace and increased green energy costs by a factor of 15?

Now, he has provided a fact sheet to help concerned heat treaters take action. This resource highlights the scope of heat treat in U.S. industries and highlights the implications of standing DOE regulations on heat treaters to help heat treaters articulate the concerns to their congressmen.

Laying out what heat treat is, who it serves, how it impacts the national economy/workforce, and what the Industrial Decarbonization Initiative means for the industry, this resource exhorts government officials to slow down these regulations. It posits that without allowing time for affordable technology to develop, the regulations have the capability of “eviscerating our industrial, transportation, and power industries.”

This resource by Michael Mouilleseaux accompanies his 3-part series on the topic in Heat Treat Today’s print magazines. For more background on current DOE regulations on the industry, peruse Michael’s three-part series published by Heat Treat Today: “US DOE Strategy Affects Heat Treaters” in the March 2024 Aerospace Heat Treat print edition; “US DOE Strategy: Ramifications for Heat Treaters” in the April/May 2024 Heat Treat Green print edition; and “US DOE Strategy: Why Target the Heat Treating Industry?” in the June 2024 Buyers Guide Issue print edition.

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