There are many radiant tube options on the market, so which one is best for your furnace and your budget? In this column that compares radiant tubes in carburizing and continuous annealing furnaces, discover how two major types of radiant tubes stack up.
Marc Glasser, director of Metallurgical Services at Rolled Alloys, investigates more deeply the two choices. This Technical Tuesday discussion on radiant tubes options will be published in Heat Treat Today's February 2023 Air & Atmosphere Heat Treating Systems digital edition.
Director of Metallurgical Services
Rolled Alloys
Source: Rolled Alloys
Radiant tubes are used in many types of heat treating furnaces from carburizing furnaces to continuous annealing of steel strip. Generally, a heat treater has three options for radiant tubes: cast tubes, wrought tubes, and ceramic silicon carbide tubes. Silicon carbide tubes are rarely used by heat treaters, so this article will not delve too deeply into this option. Suffice it to say, ceramic materials can often handle much higher temperatures at the expense of ductility; ceramics are more brittle than metals, making them prone to failure from the small impacts, so metal cages are sometimes fabricated to protect them. Most of the tubes being used today are cast radiant tubes. With new casting technology — primarily centrifugal casting — thinner tubes are being cast at a lower cost, which then results in a shorter life.
The primary factors for choosing radiant tube material are tube temperature and carbon potential of the furnace atmosphere. Cost-benefit analysis should also be considered. There are multiple applications for radiant tubes, including carburizing furnaces, continuous annealing furnaces for steel sheet galvanizing, steel reheat furnaces, and aluminum heat treating. This article will explore two of the aforementioned radiant tube options, specifically for carburizing and continuous annealing furnaces.
Radiant Tubes for Carburizing Furnaces
Gas carburization is traditionally performed between 1650°F and 1700°F at a carbon potential of 0.8% approximating the eutectoid composition. In today’s competitive environment, more heat treaters are increasing temperatures to 1750°F and pushing carbon potentials as high as 1.6% to get faster diffusion of carbon while spending less time at temperature. INCONEL® HX (66% Ni, 17% Cr) has been a common cast alloy seen in carburizing furnaces. This alloy is regularly selected for its resistance to oxidation and carburization up to 2100°F. Super 22H is more heavily alloyed than HX and is seeing more use as carbon potentials increase but at a premium price. With advances in centrifugal castings, cast tube wall thicknesses have decreased from 3/8-inch to 1/4-inch. Some heat treaters have shared that this decrease in wall thickness has also led to shorter tube life.
Fabricated and welded radiant tubes in alloys 601 and RA 602 CA® have been tested in industry. When tested, these wrought alloys were fabricated to have a wall thickness of 1/8-inch. At the extremes, tubes fabricated from 601 only lasted 50% as long as cast HX. Historically, HX tubes have been approximately 33% higher in cost than that of 601 and utilize heavier 3/8-inch walls. A little-known fact is that by switching to a thinner wall cast tube, the life drops by 50%. By switching to 1/8-inch wall thickness, RA 602 CA tube life has been extended to eight years or more, while running at 1750°F and up to 1.6% carbon potential, at just a 33% premium over cast HX. Life cycle data are presented in Figure 1.
Source: Rolled Alloys
Radiant Tubes for Continuous Annealing Furnaces
In the area of continuous annealing, the cast alloy of choice is HP/HT (35% Ni, 17% Cr, 1.7% Si, 0.5% C). Here again, this casting has been compared to 601 and RA 602 CA, with the same results. The total life data from these trials are also incorporated into Figure 1. During the collection of this data, there has been no effort to measure the actual tube temperature, so the effect of tube temperature is not clearly defined. In these continuous annealing furnaces, it has been reported that the tubes at the entry end are subject to more heat absorption as burners are firing more due to the continuous introduction of cold material; in trials, the operators have not kept adequate documentation of specific tubes, making justification more diffcult.
Justification for the higher cost wrought alloy needs to take into consideration initial fabricated tube cost, actual tube life, AND the lost production of each anticipated downtime cycle as these downtime costs are often much more than material costs. Only individual fabricators can determine these costs.
The Economics
Source: Rolled Alloys
Table 1 above shows the economics of metal alloy choice. To properly interpret, understand that the costs are not actual, but rather relative to 601, so a round number of 1000 was used. With a 30% greater cost of cast tubes, that translates to a relative cost of $1300. The annual cost is the amortized cost over the life of the tube. The total eight-year cost is the relative cost times the number of tubes that would have to be purchased to obtain the life cycle of one tube of the longest-lasting material over its full life cycle.
Missing in this analysis is the additional cost of downtime and lost production. For the replacement of radiant tubes in a carburizing furnace, this typically entails a full week to turn a furnace off, allow it to cool, replace the tubes, and then heat it up again. Many heat treaters do not consider this, and therefore it is a hidden cost. Even without the downtime being considered, by examining the total cost of materials (including replacements) compared to the longest-lasting tube, it turns out that the most expensive tube is the cheapest tube. The obstacle to overcome is whether the heat treater is willing to wait eight years to realize these cost savings.
There can be additional factors to consider. With improvements in the efficiency of casting, the actual costs of the thinner wall casting may be somewhat less, but to match the overall cost of the longest-life material, it would have to be less than half the expected cost. As better, more expensive cast alloys become accepted and actual life data becomes available, these more costly alloys can be added to this table for comparative analysis, too.
This same method of analysis can be applied to radiant tubes for continuous annealing furnaces, but more details will need to be added including furnace position. Different alloy candidates will have to be put to the test in actual operations, carefully document what alloy is in what position or location, and when it gets changed out. This becomes quite cumbersome when annealing furnaces (depending on design and manufacture) can have over 200 radiant tubes.
Currently, cast alloy tubes dominate the market. The concept of total life cycle cost has been introduced as a means of more accurately justifying one’s choice of radiant tube. This comes into play more as processes are pushed beyond traditional process conditions. Cost-benefit analysis must be balanced over acceptable amortization time, of course. However, performing the full analysis as well as the costs saved from downtime may lead some heat treaters to some alternate materials.
About the author: Marc Glasser is the director of Metallurgical Services at Rolled Alloys and is an expert in process metallurgy, heat treatment, materials of construction, and materials science and testing. Marc received his bachelor’s degree in materials engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a master’s degree in material science from Polytechnic University, now known as the NYU School of Engineering. Contact Marc at
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