FNA Week in Heat Treat Social Media

Welcome to a special edition of Heat Treat Today’s This Week in Heat Treat Social Media. We’ve discovered a furnace-full collection of posts that document the excitement of the past week at Furnaces North America (FNA). From the arrival of booth materials to the final speech at the MTI awards ceremony, they’re all here: check out these posts and videos for a roundup of FNA and heat treat social media.

As you know, there is so much content available on the web that it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you the latest in compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat news from the different social media venues that you’ve just got to see and read! If you have content that everyone has to see, please send the link to editor@heattreattoday.com.

1. Lightening the Pre-Show Heavy Lifting

A good show is more than just what happens from curtain rise to curtain fall. Whether it’s a play on the stage or a trade show in a convention hall, there is a lot of work that goes into setting up and tearing down . . . sometimes back-breaking work. The advent of 3D printing has made that task a little easier, and ironically, at FNA 2024, that means models set out for display were processed with 3D printing to preserve the look of metal while making it easy for team to carry to the floor. Thanks to Sarah Jordan for bringing this post to the web.

2. Kudos and Awards from Beginning to End

We love it when social media is full of the faces of the heat treat industry, and this week is no exception. We found individual recognition posts, the celebration of Heat Treat Today’s 40 Under 40, and the Metal Treating Institute‘s honorees at the awards ceremony on the last night of the show.

Look these posts up on LinkedIn here: Dave Deiwert; JUMO Process Control; Paulo Heat Treating; Brazing and Metal Finishing; Solar Atmospheres, Inc.; and Gasbarre Thermal Processing Systems.

3. Presenting . . .

Eyes and ears were open and trained on all that’s new in heat treating presented at FNA 2024, whether in technical sessions; impromptu, on-the-floor demonstrations; or new product reveals.

Look these posts up on LinkedIn here: Carlos Torres; Solar Atmospheres, Inc.; SAFECHEM; and Nitrex.

4. Sparkling Shoes and Aching Feet

‘Nuff said.

Look these posts up on LinkedIn here: Christina Tiell and Heather Falcone.

5. The Camera Turned on Us

What does Heat Treat Today do when at FNA? Here’s the link to the reel.

Look this post up on LinkedIn here.

Hope to see you next year at ASM Heat Treat Show and the year after at FNA 2026!

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