Heat Treat Consultant: George Totten

Name: George E. Totten
Company Name: G.E. Totten & Associates
Location: Seattle, Washington
Years In Industry: 30+
Consulting Specialties:
- Heat Treating & Thermal Processes
- Fluids & Lubricants
- Advanced Quenching Technology & Engineering
- Surface Engineering
- Consulting & Contract Research
G. E. Totten & Associates LLC, a research and consulting firm specializing in thermal processing and industrial lubrication problems and related equipment supply, was founded by George E. Totten, Ph.D., FASM. Dr. Totten began with over 31 years of experience before launching his company, and he is widely known from his long-term experience in the heat treating and fluids/lubricants industry. The initial mission of G.E. Totten & Associates LLC was to make global experts in the fields of thermal process, fluids, and lubricants available to those with problems in these areas, regardless of location, through either a consulting or contract research (or both) basis. In time, the initial mission expanded to include providing global technical support in cooling curve analysis, furnaces and equipment, advanced quenching technology and engineering, hydraulic system equipment, and software.
Publications or Significant Accomplishments:
- Founder and president of G.E. Totten & Associates LLC (2001 to present).
- Research Professor, Portland State University — Portland, Oregon (2004-2015).
- Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic University of New York — New York, New York (2001).
- Visiting Scholar, Texas A&M University — College Station, Texas (2005-2006).
- Visiting Professor, Department of Engineering, Materials, Aeronautics and Automobile Technology, School of Engineering at São Carlos, University of São Paulo — São Carlos, Brazil (2006 to present).
- Associate Professor, Associação Instituto Internacional de Pesquisa — São Carlos, Brazil (2006 to present).
- Adjunct Professor, Texas A&M University — College Station, Texas (2006-2015).
- Associate Professor, Portland State University — Portland, Oregon (2015 to present).
- Completed Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry, Dissertation: “Substituted Neopentyl Systems via Silyl Ketene Acetal Chemistry and Acetolysis of Alkyl-Substituted Neopentyl Derivatives” (awarded 1989).
- President, International Federation for Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering (IFHTSE) (2002-2004); Fellow of IFHTSE (2005).
- Member of ASM International, Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials, American Chemical Society, Society of Automotive Engineers, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, American Society for Testing and Materials, serving on several committees; member-at-large, ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants.
- Recipient of sixteen U.S. patents.
- Recipient of American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Awards, including of Excellence (2000), Sydney D. Andrews Scroll of Achievement (2004), of Merit (2006), Outgoing Chairman Award (2006), Charles B. Dudley Award (2008).
- Recipient of ASM Eisenman Award (2017); Hephaestus Award (2016); Nitrex Hephaestus Award (2013); IFHTSE Medal (2011); SAE McFarland Award (2000).
- Established George E. Totten Symposium on Quenching — Heat Treating Society of ASM International (2007).
- Co-authored or edited 37 books and conference proceedings, including: Handbook of Residual Stress and Deformation of Steel, Editor, ASM International (2002); Steel Heat Treatment Handbook (2 vol.), Editor, CRC Press (2006); Mechanical Tribology: Materials, Characterization, and Applications, Co-editor with Hong Liang, CRC Press (2004); Handbook of Hydraulic Fluid Technology, Co-author with Victor J. De Negri, CRC Press (2017, 2nd ed.); Handbook of Aluminum: Vol. 1: Physical Metallurgy and Processes and Vol. 2, Co-author with D. Scott MacKenzie, CRC Press (2003); Handbook of Quenchants and Quenching Technology, Co-author with C.E. Bates and N.A. Clinton, ASM International (1993); Manual 64, Intensive Quenching Systems: Engineering and Design, Co-author with Nikolai Kobasko, Ph.D., Michael Aronov, Ph.D., and Joseph Powell, ASTM (2010).
- Contributor to several articles published by Industrial Heating magazine, ASTM Standardization News magazine and over 100 technical papers for ASTM Technical Committee.
- Contributor to or Author or Editor of over 600 publications, including several ASTM publications.
Links to Heat Treat Today or Other Online Resources (a select list)
- “Development and Use of a Small Laboratory Intensive Quenching (IQ) System,” with Lauralice C.F. Canale, Antonio Canale, Luigi Mazzucco, and Fernando Seiti Misina, Materials Performance and Characterization, October 2017
- Heat Treat Today “Hephaestus Award Recipient,” September 14, 2016
- “Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Hardness of Quenched and Tempered Steel,” with Bozo Smoljan and Dario Iljkic, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, December 2015
- “Boroaustempering Treatment on Alloyed Ductile Irons,” with F.E. Mariani, G. S. Takeya, L.C. Casteletti, and A. Lombardi Neto, Heat Treat 2015 Conference & Exposition Conference Proceedings, Ed. R.D. Sisson, Jr., ASM International, October, 2015
- “Bioquenchants Formulated from Epoxidized Soybean Oil: Evaluation of Metal Quenching and Heat Transfer Performance,” with Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero and Lauralice C.F. Canale, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation (IJMEA), 2014
- “Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review,” with Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero, Walker Roberto Otero, and Lauralice C.F. Canale, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Automation (IJMEA), 2014 - “Plasma Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing of Supermartensitic Stainless Steel,” with F.A. P. Fernandes, J. Gallego, and L.C. Casteletti, Rechuli (Heat Treatment), 2014
- “Mechanical and Metallurgical Evaluation of Carburized, Conventionally and Intensively Quenched AISI 1020 and AISI 8620 Steels,” with T. Giordani, T.R. Clarke, C.E.F. Kwietniewski, M.A. Aronov, and N.I. Kobasko, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, August 2013
- “Quenchants Derived from Vegetable Oils as Alternatives to Petroleum Oil,” Industrial Heating, August 2011
- “Computational Modelling of Heat Treating Processes By Use of HT-Mod and Abaqus,” with G. Sanchez Sarmiento and A. Gaston, Latin American Applied Research – An International Journal, July 2011
- “Distortion Reduction by Aqueous Polymer Quenching of Aluminum Alloys,” with Lauralice C.F. Canale and Patricia Mariane Kavalco, Industrial Heating, February 2011
- “Plasma Nitriding of Stainless Steels,” with Luiz Carlos Casteletti and Amadeu Lombardi Neto, Industrial Heating, March 2008
References (partial list, more available upon request):