Heat Treating Step in Metal Filament AM Expands Applications


Source: Aerospace Manufacturing & Design


A Wisconsin-based additive manufacturing company recently came out with metal filaments encased in a binder, allowing for a two-step process of printing then heat treating to produce a safer metal 3D printing solution as well as broader use in industry applications such as

  • Biomedical innovators
  • Jet engine technology
  • Radiation shielding
  • Space exploration
  • Nuclear power


“Even with the furnace step, filament-based printing tends to be faster and requires less specialized training, making AM technologies more accessible to manufacturers who don’t have large numbers of specialists.” ~ Aerospace Manufacturing & Design

Main Image Credit/Caption: The Virtual Foundry Facebook page/”Stainless Steel 316L Filamet™ Filament. Printed using a FlashForge Creator Pro.”



Read more: “Metal Filaments Expand Additive Applications”