HI-POWER and Heat Treat Supplier Join Forces

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Mike Johnson
Sales Manager

The energy storage company HI-POWER, a Holtec International and Eos Energy Storage joint venture, recently formed a five-year partnering agreement with a North American heat treat supplier to provide an energy efficient non-lithium, long duration energy storage solution using battery technology.

The new battery technology, a decade in the making, is an efficient non-lithium, long duration energy storage solution. One of the critical components within the battery system requires a “vacuum cathodic” heat treatment process. This newly developed surface heat treatment process enables the product to last 5,000 cycles for a 15-year calendar life with no subcooling or pumps required.

HI-POWER and Solar Atmospheres of Western PA  engineers worked to develop the vacuum cathodic heat treatment needed to fulfill HI-POWER’s specifications. Today, Solar is thermally processing thousands of components to help HI-POWER deliver clean and reliable energy faster for the world’s needs.

"I came upon this opportunity at a trade show four years ago," said Mike Johnson, sales manager for Solar, "At that time, HI-POWER was perfecting their critical thermal cycle profiles in a small hot wall furnace in New Jersey. HI-POWER knew that someday they would need to employ a large vacuum furnace - and we had that capability."

HI-POWER builds one of the safest and fully integrated DC storage batteries in the world. Their “Znyth” storage batteries are especially stable when housed in extreme temperatures and are nonflammable and 100% recyclable.

(photo source: Solar Atmospheres, courtesy of EOS Energy Storage)