Paging Through Heat Treat Today’s Technical Files

OCWe're flipping through Heat Treat Today's technical articles today to highlight four heat treat-related processes: hardening, ferritic nitrocarburizing, titanium processing, and stress relieving. Read our top picks of technical articles from these categories that include a back pocket resource, a podcast episode, and a review of past and future innovations.

HARDENING: Heat Treat Radio: Metal Hardening 101 with Mark Hemsath, Part 1 of 3

Sometimes, the best technical advice comes out in a conversation. Mark Hemsath and Doug Glenn took three Heat Treat Radio episodes to talk about the basics of metal hardening. Listen to or read the transcript of the first episode in this series to get a leg up on metal hardness.

"I think the most important thing is that with metals, you’re trying to get certain features that allow it not to wear over time.  At the same time, you want the part to last.  You don’t want it to break, you don’t want it to chip, you don’t want it to seize up, so there are a lot of different things you can do with the parts to give them certain wear characteristics and hardness."



How is nitriding different from ferritic nitrocarburizing? Temperature? Materials processed? Costs? Industries? This article is a resource: a table that compares these two processes against the other.

"Skim this straight forward data that has been assembled from information provided by four heat treat experts: Jason Orosz and Mark Hemsath at Nitrex, Thomas Wingens at WINGENS LLC – International Industry Consultancy, and Dan Herring, The Heat Treat Doctor at The HERRING GROUP, Inc."


TITANIUM PROCESSING: Titanium: A Fascinating History & Future

Titanium is its own animal, so its sometimes helpful to take a moment to identify what it is and how processing this metal might change in the future. Check out this article to learn more.

"The recycling of titanium is of a different magnitude than other metals due to its value. It took a shortage of titanium in the 1980s–and some innovative metallurgy–to transform valuable titanium scrap back into a qualified ingot. To do this, metallurgists used the reactivity of the metal to their advantage."


STRESS RELIEVING: Indentation Plastometry

It's not as flashy as a huge furnace, but understanding stress relieving is key to heat treat parts correctly. Plastometrex is a new technology to advance what we know and how we test stress on projects. Read all about.

"The oxidized layer was then removed and the Hardox steel samples were indented in the locations that are shown in Figure 5a. The indentation data were analyzed and converted into stress-strain curves using the SEMPID software. Two are shown in Figure 5b, where it is apparent that the high temperature brazing process has affected the strength characteristics of the material in that location."


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