This Week in Heat Treat Social Media

Welcome to Heat Treat Today's This Week in Heat Treat Social MediaYou know and we know: there is too much content available on the web, and it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you a hot take of the latest compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat chatter from the world of social media.

This week we'll check out some heat treating in action, question the effects of increasing robotics on heat treat industry, and several rigorous heat treat resources. 

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1.  Will Robotics Change Heat Treat?

Robotics seem to be an increasing part of life as we know it. "The operator utilized a suite of wearable devices, which is known as the iFeel system. These gadgets include multiple IMUs (inertial measurement units) placed at various locations on a body suit; 'gloves' that both track the user's finger movements and relay tactile sensations from the robot's finger pads; and a VR headset – the latter tracks the user's facial expressions, eyelids and eye movements, picks up their voice, plus it allows them to see what the robot is seeing, and to hear what it's hearing." Will the metals in the technology designed for robots find their way into your heat treat shop? (New iCub 3 biped robot used as a long-distance avatar for its operator)


2. The Social Pulse of Heat Treaters

Here's what all of the chatter is about. Check out how thins are going in heat treat shops across North America.

Making Metal More Normal


Walk Around the Plant

Fabrication Completion


3. Quick Tips from the Interweb 

Have a little extra time? Check out the engaging media about heat treat topics below.

A Hot Take on the Olympic Medals


An Overview of Heat Treatment in the Refining, Power, and Petrochemical Industry

Historical Landmarks


4. The Listening and Reading Corner

Soak in some knowledge on austenite, robotics, and salt quenching in these key podcasts that you can watch, listen to, or read the transcripts of.

5. Something Slightly Terrifying (Though Slightly Normal)

Have a great weekend!


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