This Week in Heat Treat Social Media

Welcome to Heat Treat Today's This Week in Heat Treat Social Media. You know and we know: there is too much content available on the web, and it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you a hot take of the latest compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat chatter from the world of social media.

Today, check out some posts on the convergence of EV and heat treaters, robots that can detect leaks, and algorithms that adjust temperature. 

If you have content that everyone has to see, please send the link to

1. "August" Is for "Automotive"

This August, we're seeing and hearing a lot about the convergence of heat treat and the automotive sector. In this news piece, read how EV assemblies will be able to include Canada-made products in Canada. For more on how EV will influence heat treaters, go to on Thursday, August 11th.

2.  What Are They Saying?

Everybody talks! That's for sure. But this week, what are they talking about? For starters, the cost of furnace downtime, metallurgical definitions, leak-detecting robots, and water quenching are on the docket.

True Cost of a Furnace Breakdown = $XXXXX?

What Your QA Is Posting on SM. . .

Leak Detector Automation with Robotics

The Red Glow. Never Gets Old.

3.  What Are They Doing?

Actions speak louder than words. One company in Illinois has been acting out excellence since 1979. And if you are looking for a little action in October in the Pittsburgh area, check out Heat Treat Today's live at 2:30 PM EST to learn about a one-of-a-kind heat treat event.

Join the LIVE Heat Treat Boot Camp on LinkedIn!

Business Ambassadors Visit the Hot Side of Illinois

4. The Reading (and Podcast) Corner

Will EV be the end of heat treating in the automotive industry? Watch the video below to learn some answers to this question from the Metal Treating Institute.  If you're in a listening mood, listen to this episode of Heat Treat Radio and discover some Industry 4.0 innovations for adjusting temperature. 

2021 Predictions: EV and the Heat Treater

Listen to the Future of Furnace Compliance

Does it combust? Time to hear about Industry 4.0. . . again :). This time, see how this Industry 4.0 system uses algorithms to adjust temperature on Heat Treat Radio

Heat Treat Radio #77: Algorithmic Combustion Tuning with Justin Dzik and Ben Witoff at Fives. Click to –> Watch | Listen | Learn


5. Miniature Metal Masterpiece

To all the metallurgists and heat treaters out there, perhaps the metal you work with today will end up a mini-masterpiece in the hands of an electrolyte jet machining fanatic!


Have a great weekend!


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