Near Net Shape, Meet HIP

Source: Quintus Technologies

A major concern with cast products is fatigue resistance and getting the right mechanical properties. Of course, thermal processing plays a role, and for years, hot isostatic pressing has been solving this very problem.

Today’s best of the web article details out how the process can remove shrinkage porosity and internal defect, ultimately leading to a more resistant part for some of the most critical applications: nuclear power.

An Excerpt:

“The production of specially designed canisters can lead to predictive final shapes with extremely complex geometries, which are a viable option to forging, casting and additive manufacturing. The processing is referred to as Powder Metallurgy Near-Net-Shape (PM NNS), or Powder Metallurgy HIP (PM HIP).”

Read the entire article from Quintus Technologies by clicking here: Manufacturing of Nuclear components using Powder Metallurgy Near Net Shape production and Hot Isostatic Pressing

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