2024 06 News from Abroad June

News from Abroad: Furnace Efficiency and Climate Neutrality

Today’s News from Abroad installment brings us news of a climate-neutral metallurgical thermal process center in Germany, a twin-ladle furnace station in Brazil, and a Korean steel maker gaining furnace efficiency. 

Heat Treat Today partners with two international publications to deliver the latest news, tech tips, and cutting-edge articles that will serve our audience — manufacturers with in-house heat treat. heat processing, a Vulkan-Verlag GmbH publication, serves mostly the European and Asian heat treat markets, and Furnaces International, a Quartz Business Media publication, primarily serves the English-speaking globe.

ArcelorMittal Brasil Orders Twin-Ladle Furnace Station from Danieli

2024 06 NFA ArcelorMittal Tubarão, Serra, Espirito Santo
ArcelorMittal’s Tubarão integrated steel plant in Serra, Espirito Santo state, where Danieli will install twin-ladle furnace station.
Source: furnaces-international.com

“ArcelorMittal Brasil has chosen Danieli Centro Met technology and equipment for a twin-ladle furnace station to be installed at the Tubarão integrated steel plant in Serra, Espirito Santo state, where 7+ Mt/yr of high-quality, flat carbon steel products are produced. The new twin-ladle furnace station will be placed in the melt-shop bay between converters and continuous casting machines to complete the refining area, remove sulphur contents and make quality adjustments to the steel bath, to produce USIBOR steel for automotive applications.”

READ MORE: “Arcelor Mittal Brasil orders twin-ladle furnace station from Danieli” at furnaces.international.com

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Opens Climate-Neutral Metallurgical Thermal Processing Center

News From Abroad 2024 06 TU Bergakademie Freiberg furnace test
At TU Bergakademie Freiberg, the simulation of a torch in a test furnace is part of developing technologies that could replace the natural gas burners of the future.
Source: TU Bergakademie Freiberg

“’Our goal is emission-free thermal processes, which we optimize through a closed loop system,’ says Professor Gotthard Wolf, head of the Foundry Institute at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. In order to get closer to this goal, two technologies have already been developed at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg that could replace the natural gas burners of the future. When using green electricity, the process step of melting, for example of aluminum, becomes completely CO2-free. These are a plasma-heated hot gas flare and an inductively heated got gas flare. ‘Each of the electrically operated flares could be replaced in existing melting furnaces without the mostly medium-sized foundry companies having to invest in alternative furnaces,’ explains Professor Wolf.”

READ MORE: “TU Bergakademie Freiberg optimizes metallurgical thermal process” at heat-processing.com

Tenova’s NextGen® System Enhances Dongkuk Steel Mill Furnace Efficiency

2024 06 NFA Tenova Dongkuk Steel
The installation and commissioning of Tenova’s NextGen® will provide enhanced EAF efficiency, real-time monitoring, and control capabilities.
Source: furnaces-international.com

“Dongkuk Steel Mill Co. Ltd., a leading steelmaker in Korea, has recently contracted Tenova Goodfellow, Inc, a subsidiary of Tenova, a leading developer and provider of sustainable solutions for the green transition of the metals industry, to improve its furnace efficiency. The scope of the contract involves the supply and installation of Tenova’s NextGen® System at Dongkuk’s Incheon Plant in Dong-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The Next-Gen® System, tailored for Dongkuk Steel’s 120-ton AC shaft furnace, incorporates advanced hardware and temperature sensors for off-gas measurement which include two sampling stations and a central cabinet.”

READ MORE: “Dongkuk Steel  Mill Co Ltd contracted Tenova Goodfellow Inc for a NextGen®System for improved furnace efficiency” at furnaces-international.com. 

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