Heat Treat Tips: Burn Out vs. Bake Out

During the day-to-day operation of heat treat departments, many habits are formed and procedures followed that sometimes are done simply because that’s the way they’ve always been done. One of the great benefits of having a community of heat treaters is to challenge those habits and look at new ways of doing things. Heat Treat Today101 Heat Treat Tips, tips and tricks that come from some of the industry’s foremost experts, were initially published in the FNA 2018 Special Print Edition, as a way to make the benefits of that community available to as many people as possible. This special edition is available in a digital format here.

Today we offer one of the 101 tips, which was provided by AeroSPC and originally published under Miscellaneous Tips. 

Heat Treat Tip #42

Burn Out vs. Bake Out: What’s the Diff?

Many organizations use the term burn out and bake out to be the same event. Others have burn out understood to be 50°F above prior maximum temperature after the braze process for a short period. Bake out then is a “close to max” temperature of the oven maintained for over an hour. If your organization is using these terms, ensure that they are internally defined and in alignment with the terms used in your customer specifications.

This tip was submitted by AeroSPC.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the expert who submitted the Tip or contact Heat Treat Today directly. If you have a heat treat tip that you’d like to share, please send to the editor, and we’ll put it in the queue for our next Heat Treat Tips issue.