
Quenching is a critical step in virtually all heat treating processes. It is usually performed after the holding at austenitizing temperature (for hardening or case hardening operations). The purpose of quenching is to (rapidly) cool the parts to achieve desired properties, microstructure, and dimensional tolerances. Quenching is widely performed on different types of metals using different media, such as brine or caustic, water, polymer, oil, high pressure gas (e.g., nitrogen, argon, helium, hydrogen), molten salt, air (still or moving), and cooling inside the furnace itself. Types of quenching include: direct quenching, interrupted quenching, selective quenching (typically used in induction hardening processes), and spray or fog quenching (typically used to accelerate air cooling).

Quenching Technical Content

The Future of Vacuum Oil Quenching
Despite years of research and development that resulted in several important technological innovations, the constraints of high-pressure gas quenching are ever ...
Consulta a The Heat Treat Doctor®:¿Cómo determinar cuál medio detemple utilizar?
The Heat Treat Doctor® ha vuelto para ofrecer sabios consejos a los lectores de Heat Treat Today y para responder a suspreguntas sobre ...
Ask the Heat Treat Doctor®: How Does One Determine Which Quench Medium To Use?
The Heat Treat Doctor® has returned to offer sage advice to Heat Treat Today readers and to answer your questions about heat treating, ...
Heat Treat Radio #112: Lunch & Learn: How To Use a Hardenability Chart  
In this episode of Heat Treat Radio, Doug Glenn discusses the hardenability of materials with guest Michael Mouilleseaux, general manager at Erie Steel ...
All About the Quench and Keeping Cool: Thru-process Temp Monitoring and Gas Carburizing
The future of heat treating requires new manufacturing solutions like robotics that can work with modular design. Yet so also does ...
It’s Time for Another Look at Vacuum Oil Quenching
Oil quenching can be a dirty phrase around the heat treat shop. But with vacuum, does it have to be? This ...
“Quench” Your Thirst: 3 Technical Articles To Satisfy Your Needs
Thirsting for knowledge about quenching, but not sure where to start? Heat Treat Today has coalesced technical information across articles and ...
Induction Through Heating + Intensive Quenching: A “Green Ticket” for Steel Parts
On site at heat treat operations, gas-fired furnaces can be a significant source of carbon emissions. But depending on the desired ...

Quenching News

News From Abroad: Initiatives, Processing for a Better World
In today's News from Abroad installment, we highlight processing and initiatives that aim to improve operations and improve sustainability. Read more ...
US Heat Treater Adds Furnaces, Marquenching Capabilities
A commercial heat treating company recently added new furnaces and process improvements to its operations in order to serve manufacturers in ...
2 Specialty Auto Components Manufacturers Expand Heat Treating Capabilities
Two different specialty automotive components manufacturers have expanded their heat treating processing lines in order to meet the growing needs of ...
Gray drop bottom furnace bg with headshot male, dark hair, white shirt
Aerospace Heat Treating Upgrades Capacity with Drop Bottom Furnace
An electrically heated drop bottom furnace with a traveling quench tank and a maintenance platform has been shipped to an aerospace ...
Solar Atmospheres Increases Heat Treat Capacity for Superalloys
Mike MoyerVice President of Sales, Solar Atmospheres, Eastern PA Solar Atmospheres of Souderton PA commissioned a new vacuum furnace capable of ...
North American Heat Treater Welcomes New Ownership
Effective November 30, 2023, Joe A. Powell has sold his remaining shares in Akron Steel Treating Company, his family's commercial heat ...
Precision Heat Treater Expands Operations with New High-Pressure Gas Quenching Furnace
A precision heat treatment company Vacu Braze recently partnered with a U.S. furnace manufacturer to procure new equipment to expand its processing capabilities. ...
Vacu-Braze Receives New Quenching Furnace for Specialty Aerospace Materials
Vacu-Braze recently installed a new water quenching furnace in their Quakertown, PA, facility. This acquisition will allow for the expansion of ...
Manufacturer in Energy Expands with Heat Treat System
A manufacturer for the energy industry has recently announced the installment of a roller hearth furnace system. The heat treat system ...
C/A Design Adds Horizontal Spray Quench Furnace
A horizontal spray quench furnace has been completed for C/A Design's heat treat facility in Exeter, NH. The system will help treat components ...
47,000 Pound Gear Heat Treated and Quenched at Metlab
A Pennsylvania company recently heat treated and quenched a fabricated 47,000-pound gear. In addition to this gear, about a month ago, ...
Automated Quenching System for C/A Design’s New Hampshire Facility
A new, fully automated quenching system is nearing completion and will be installed at C/A Design's heat treat facility in Exeter, NH, ...
Horizontal Quench System for Automotive Industry
An East Troy, WI, heat treat systems manufacturer announced the shipment of an electrically heated horizontal quench system to a manufacturer ...
Heat Treated Forging Tools Get New Quench Tank
A forging tool manufacturer will receive an agitated heated oil quench tank to be used post-heat treatment in order to set ...
Heat Treat Supplier To Provide Andritz Group With Vertical Vacuum Furnace
Maciej Korecki Vice President of Business of the Vacuum Furnace Segment SECO/WARWICK The Andritz Group, a manufacturer of complete lines for ...
Heat Treater Expands Capabilities with Multiple Furnaces
ThermTech, heat treat service provider in Waukesha, WI, has increased their capabilities to provide services for the medical, aerospace, mining and ...
Aerospace Conversion Provider Joins “Three Second Club”
Cruz Hernández Back-Shop Supervisor Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services Source: LinkedIn PEMCO Conversions - Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services operators will join ...
Heat Treat IQ System for Härtewerk Chemnitz Hardening Plant
Kai Werlitz Technical Operations Manager Härtewerk Chemnitz GmbH Source: Härtewerk Chemnitz Härtewerk Chemnitz GmbH, a large German commercial hardening plant (Lohnhärterei), ...