Twice a month, Heat Treat Today publishes an episode of Heat Treat Radio, an industry-specific podcast that covers topics in the aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, and general manufacturing realms. Each episode provides industry knowledge straight from the experts.
Stay abreast of quenching tips, techniques, and training --- especially in the auto industry --- with this original content piece that draws from three video/audio episodes.
Heat Treat Radio: The Greenness and Goodness of Salt Quenching with Bill Disler
President, CEO
Source: AFC-Holcroft
Sure, salt quenching has been around for quite some time, but this method is coming more to the forefront when we consider some of the concerns and costs of oil quenching. In this Heat Treat Radio episode, listen in to Bill Disler of AFC-Holcroft discuss the pros and cons of salt quenching. His brief overview and then salt versus other quench options will leave you ready to embrace quenching at your heat treat shop.
"I’d say, in general, the most common thoughts with salt are to use it for bainitic quenching. If you’re quenching into a bainitic structure, salt has always been the only way to do this," comments Bill. "But what we’re seeing the growth into, and much more activity, is martensitic quench." As you listen, key into the point of salt quenching offering a "green-minded" solution due to recyclability.
Get the complete episode here.
Heat Treat Radio: Water in Your Quench with Greg Steiger, Idemitsu
Senior Key Account Manager
Idemitsu Lubricants America
Water in the quench tank? How much is too much? What do you do to get rid of it? Is it possible to prevent water from getting into the tank? Greg Steiger of Idemitsu answers these questions and more in this essential episode.
"Our research has shown that basically about 200-250 ppm water, you start to get uneven cooling," Greg Steiger cautions. "When you start getting up to large amounts of water, somewhere around 750 ppm to over 1000 ppm, it becomes a safety issue."
The entire episode gives answers to how to identify, prevent, and remove water in the quench.
Heat Treat Radio: All Things Auto Industry Quenching with Scott MacKenzie
Senior Research -- Metallurgy
Quaker Houghton, Inc.
This interview gets to some nitty gritty details regarding quenching and the shift to electric vehicles. What does the future of heat treating look like for electric vehicles (EVs)? Where is aluminum heat treat fitting in? Listen in to get industry insight on these answers. Scott MacKenzie of Quaker Houghton also explores simulation and modeling, the need for trained metallurgists in our industry, and more broad heat treat considerations.
"The next thing you have to understand is the quenchant itself," Scott MacKenzie advises. "You have to understand the physical properties."
Take in the full episode here.
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