Sintering & Power Metallurgy Technical Content
AM/3D Trivia
In today's Technical Tuesday installment, we highlight the various techniques and developments in the world of metal AM as it pertains ...
Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production Facilitates Decarbonization
The thermal processing industry is a good example of how the on-site production of hydrogen by water electrolysis can be beneficial ...
Fueling Efficiency: Retrofit Heat Treat Furnace with Combustible Burner Technology
The automotive industry is going electric — electric vehicles are a popular choice for consumers. To continue sustainable efforts for a ...
Sintering Considerations: Vacuum vs. HIP
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces When processing cemented carbide, there are a few considerations you need to understand to use the proper ...
Heat Treating AM Components to Infinity and Beyond
The amazing materials that are produced through additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D machining often require post-processing heat treatments before these become ...
Thermal Processing for Space and Additive Manufacturing
The race to space is in full swing with public and private sector companies staking their claim in this new frontier. ...
An Overview of Cemented Carbide Sintering
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces Cemented carbide is often used interchangeably with other terms in the industry to describe a popular material ...
The Role of Heat Treat in Binder Jetting AM for Metals
Additive manufacturing (AM) at a commercial scale began about 30 years ago and has expanded well beyond its original scope. As ...
Corrosion Behavior of DMLS Titanium Alloy for Orthopedic Applications
In this article, explore the importance of alternative advanced manufacturing processes and the effects of post-process heat treating of DMLS titanium ...
Heat Treat Future with AM and 3D Printing
All the buzz in our industry seems to indicate that additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing are the next hot topics ...
Staying Up to Speed with Sintering Parts and Additive Manufacturing for Heat Treat
The powder metal industry continues to develop to keep up with production and industry needs. What exactly goes on with powdered ...
Sintering and Binder Jetting With Vacuum Furnaces
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces Ever heard of binder jetting (BJT)? It's an evolving technology that is quickly catching up to metal ...
Can You Choose the Right Sintering Atmosphere?
Source: TAV VACUUM FURNACES How do sintering parameters, especially the sintering atmosphere, affect the quality achievable from parts? Do you know ...
How Important is Vacuum Furnace Technology for SLM?
Source: TAV Vacuum Furnaces "SLM"? You may have heard of AM -- additive manufacturing -- but how about selective laser melting, ...
Fringe Friday: Future of AM in COVID
Source: AMPOWER Report Sometimes our editors find items that are not exactly "heat treat" but do deal with interesting developments in ...
Heat Treating Comparative Study on New Tech
Source: AMpower Don't you just wish there was direct, consolidated information that clearly identified the key characteristics of new technologies? All ...
New Study in AM Released
Typical tensile properties of AM Ti-6Al-4V in as build condition Source: AMPOWER There is so much to learn in so little ...
Heat Treat TV: Press-and-Sinter Powder Metallurgy
Today's story is an industry update coinciding with an excellent video resource describing conventional press and sintering with PM. Heat Treat TV seeks ...
Heat Treat Radio #36: A Discussion with Harb Nayar, Sintering Guru
Welcome to another episode of Heat Treat Radio, a periodic podcast where Heat Treat Radio host, Doug Glenn, discusses cutting-edge topics ...
Vacuum Sintering Heat Treat
Source: TAV, the Vacuum Furnaces Blog What happens when the binder reaches the primary pump? How does a heat treater avoid ...
Aluminum Alloy Powder Developed for Automotive 3D Printing
A Canadian additive manufacturing powder producer, in partnership with McGill University in Montreal, has announced the results of a research project ...
Gas Density Sensor for Sintering Furnaces Introduced at POWDERMET
Dr. Liang He, Air Products A U.K.-based industrial gases company that supplies liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment to heat treaters ...
Sintering Si3N4 Powder-to-Part Process Launched
Source: Superior Technical Ceramics A Vermont-based ceramics solutions specialist and manufacturer recently announced in a white paper the introduction ...
Achieving Perfect Vacuum Sintering
Source: TAV: The Vacuum Furnaces Blog Andrea Alborghetti, Technical Manager of TAV Vacuum Furnaces Andrea Alborghetti, technical manager ...
Updated MPIF Standard 35 Refers to Heat Treatment of Alloys
Source: 3DEO A new update on MPIF Standard 35 was issued in October 2017 by the Metal Powder Industries ...
Laser Sintering vs. Bulk Sintering in a Furnace: Both Have a Place in 3D Metal Printing Industry
Source: Matt Sand, president of 3DEO Matt Sand, president of 3DEO, discusses the pros and cons of laser sintering ...
What Do Fashion Watches and Aerospace Components Have in Common? 3D Metal Printing
A Swedish producer of metal powders announced recently that it has launched commercial production of the industry's first high precision binder ...
Will 3-D Printing Replace Brazing? NASA says “Yes.”
NASA's recent tests to design a technique that would allow additive manufacturing to create durable 3-D rocket parts made with more ...
AMRICC to Use Field-Enhanced Sintering Pilot Plant
The Applied Materials Research, Innovation and Commercialisation Company (AMRICC) is a high-technology center where advanced materials and processes will be fast-tracked ...
Powder Metal Gear Technology: A Review of the State of the Art
Source: Power Transmission Engineering "During the past 10 years, the PM industry has put a lot of focus on how ...
Pulsed Electric Current Sintering
Source: Total Materia Pulsed electric current sintering (PECS) also known as spark plasma sintering (SPS) or field assisted sintering (FAST) ...