Publisher’s Page: Heat Treat Kids . . . and their Parents

Heat Treat Today publishes eight print magazines a year, and included in each is a letter from the publisher, Doug Glenn. This letter first appeared in June 2024 Buyers Guide print edition.

Feel free to contact Doug at if you have a question or comment. 

The Heat Treat Today team does a lot of fun things throughout the year, but Heat Treat Kids is probably the most fun. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll give you a link toward the end of this column so you can see some of the cute kids and the cute answers to some kid-level questions. For those of you who are old enough, it harkens back to Art Linkletter’s “Kids Say the Darndest Things” TV program. If you’ve never heard of Art Linkletter, click this link.

Once a year we run the Heat Treat Kids feature in one of our print magazines. It seems a bit out of place for a technical trade journal to run such a non-technical feature, we admit that. Then again, it is really not all that out of place. One of the abiding principles that we live by at Heat Treat Today is the understanding that “it is all about people.” While the vast majority of our content is technical in nature and typically deals with inanimate equipment, processes, or technologies, the truth is we only write about these with the hope that they will make peoples’ lives better. It seems too obvious, but it is often forgotten: what we do, we do for people. If you look closely enough at our website or in nearly any of our various e-newsletters and print publications, you’ll see these words: We believe people are happier and make better decisions when they are well informed. The focus of the statement is “people” and our desire to see them “happier.”

Our desire to see people happier and making better decisions boils over into all the different areas of what we do. For example, we’ve converted our September print editions (which are typically distributed at either Furnaces North America or the ASM Heat Treat Show) into our “People of Heat Treat” edition. There are typically very few technical articles in the September edition, but it is rife with content about various people in the North American heat treat market. It’s in this edition we announce each year’s 40 Under 40 honorees . . . which we’ve been doing since 2018. So far, we’ve bestowed this honor on 240 rising young heat treat leaders. By the way, nominations for 40 Under 40 are always open. If you know a rising young leader in the industry, please nominate them at [40 Under 40 nominations for 2024 closed June 28, 2024; this year’s class will be announced on September 9, 2024. – Editor] We will also include our annual “Endings” feature in the September edition; this is a feature where we acknowledge the death of some key people in the industry

September is a fun and very well-read edition, but it is not the only place where we focus on people. You might notice that Heat Treat Today often includes pictures of people on our magazine covers, and we almost always include a picture of a person in our weekday e-newsletter, Heat Treat Today. We also include the picture of the article authors in our magazine.

And finally, in our monthly Heat Treat Radio podcast, we periodically highlight a Heat Treat Legend or a Heat Treat NextGen. Both of these periodic features are simple interviews with heat treat people to learn more about them and what makes them tick. The Legends feature is where we interview some industry “old timers” who have had a significant impact on the industry. Heat Treat NextGen is where we interview up and coming leaders in the industry.

The edition you hold in your hand is our annual Heat Treat Buyers Guide. It is chock-full of equipment information . . . hardly a face to be seen. Nonetheless, we’re hopeful that all of this equipment information will help you be happier and make better decisions.

Doug Glenn
Heat Treat Today

As a final note, if you’d like to take a look at some extremely cute and often funny Heat Treat Kids, please find this feature online in the December 2023 edition. The content we provide in every edition of Heat Treat Today is targeted at making the parents of these kids well informed, able to make better decisions, and happier.

Contact Doug Glenn at

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