This Week in Heat Treat Social Media

Welcome to Heat Treat Today’s This Week in Heat Treat Social Media. As you know, there is so much content available on the web that it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you the latest in compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat news from the different social media venues that you’ve just got to see and read!

This week, we dive into innovations in several heat treat processes, take a look at some fascinating technological applications for heat treaters, tune into a conversation on batch vs. continuous furnaces, and explore an unexpectedly beautiful result of AM.

If you have content that everyone has to see, please send the link to

1. Bikes of the Future: the titanium revolution

Titanium has historically been limited as a material for bikes, despite its excellence as a material, due to its high cost and difficulty to process. Check out this post by IperionX on LinkedIn, sharing the revolutionary innovations they intend to bring to titanium processing, with applications for biking.

2. Metallurgical Moments: from Medicine, to rust removal, to atomic structure

As all heat treaters know, the world of metals is a vast one. Here are a few fascinating metallurgical moments to inform you and hopefully put a smile on your face.

The Power of Metals in MRI
Laser Cleaning: Heat Treat Potential Of The Future (Or Past?)

Did you know that the first lasers were created in 1960? They may have a futuristic look, but these devices have been around for quite a while, and their potential applications in the heat treating industry continue to grow. Check out this fascinating video from @Metallurgical Engineering on LinkedIn to get an up-close look at how lasers can be used to clean rust and perhaps streamline your heat treating maintenance in the future.

Metallurgical Art: The Structure of Metals

3. Continued Learning

Each of these posts brings an educational aspect of part of the heat treat world you may or may not be familiar with.

A Brief Overview of Quenching

HIP: What the Cool Heat Treaters Are Up To

4. Reading (and Podcast!) Corner

You can’t read everything, we get it. Heat Treat Today is here to recommend one informative podcast to enjoy on your daily commute, suggest a quick video on laser heat treating, and put a comprehensive article on surface treatments for automotive on your radar!

The Highly-Anticipated Sequel is Here! Tune in to Listen to Heat Treat Radio #105: Batch IQ Vs. Continuous Pusher Part 2, with Michael Mouilleseaux.
Interested in Surface Treatment? This Article from Race Engine Technology/Race Engine Suppliers magazine is for you!

In case you missed it: An overview of laser heat treating with Aravind Jonnalagadda (AJ), CTO and Co-founder at Synergy Additive Manufacturing LLC

5. AM is the Name of the Game

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is taking the heat treating world by storm, but it’s not often we get to sit back and appreciate the beauty that this technology is capable of creating. Check out this amazing gothic cathedral creating using LMM technology. Be sure to click below to see the full post.


Have a great weekend!


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