This Week in Heat Treat Social Media

Welcome to Heat Treat Today’s This Week in Heat Treat Social Media. We’re looking at hot summer events, hot summertime activities, and hot heat treat industry events coming soon to a social media page near you. Check out these posts, podcasts, and videos for a roundup in Heat Treat Social Media.

As you know, there is so much content available on the web that it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you the latest in compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat news from the different social media venues that you’ve just got to see and read! If you have content that everyone has to see, please send the link to

1. Heat Treating Skateboards > Hot Moves

This space is usually reserved for something rich and technical, but it’s summertime in the northern hemisphere and heat treating is just as essential for the proper working of items affiliated with leisure and outdoor activities as the products that make the world go round (e.g., automotive, aerospace, etc.). “Skateboarding is not just a sport; it’s an art form, a mode of transport, and a way of life for many. But did you know that the metal trucks on a skateboard—those T-shaped pieces that mount the wheels to the deck—are a product of meticulous heat treatment?” (from Bodycote on LinkedIn, November, 2023)

Check out this recent post from Bodycote laying out how critical it is to safety and experience for skateboard trucks to be heat treated with the same level of skill that it takes to execute an ollie or a shuvit.

2. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Heat Treat Neighborhood

What’s everyone been up to on the social channels?

Summer Engineering Institute reshaping the Future of Heat Treating

Future Leaders: Report to the Dome!

Take Us Out to the Old Ballgame!

It may Be Summer but It’s Never Too Early to Think About the Fall

‘Tis also the season for Registration for 2024’s industry events and social media provides an excellent platform for getting the word out. Here are some of the events taking place just in September — don’t delay! Registration is still open for all of these!

Marking Milestones

3. Learn with Us

Sometimes, it’s the small things on social media that grab your attention or give you the “ah ha!” moment. And sometimes things affecting the industry in other places cause us to go “hmm.” Do any of these short posts make you say “eureka”?

Queueing and Sequencing (and more!)

Quiz Time

4. Open Your Ears: The Podcast Corner

You can’t read everything, we get it. Heat Treat Today is here to recommend two informative podcasts to enjoy on your daily commute!

Tune in to Listen to Heat Treat Radio #110! Isolated Heat, the Future of Vacuum Furnaces

smiling bearded man on blue background, HTR 110 logo, isolated heat text

Sharpen your hearing: Heat Treating Knives on the TTT Podcast

5. Junk Food and a Logo Extravaganza

Click through to see what Kowalski Heat Treating thinks about junk food and how that thinking gets them counting logos.

Have a great weekend!

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