Welcome to Heat Treat Today’s This Week in Heat Treat Social Media. We’re looking at addendum learning, indepth instruction from industry leaders, and how-tos that will tickle your ears. But first in the posts, podcasts, and videos we have rounded up for you, check out what NASA is doing with shape-shifting tires.
As you know, there is so much content available on the web that it’s next to impossible to sift through all of the articles and posts that flood our inboxes and notifications on a daily basis. So, Heat Treat Today is here to bring you the latest in compelling, inspiring, and entertaining heat treat news from the different social media venues that you’ve just got to see and read! If you have content that everyone has to see, please send the link to editor@heattreattoday.com.
1. Entering the Realm of Shape-Shifting
This space is usually reserved for something rich and technical, so we’re looking at the science of shape-shifting!
Check out this recent post on ThomasNet about NASA’s foray into the world of physical transformations.

2. It’s a Beautiful Day in the Heat Treat Neighborhood
Don’t Skip the Side Trips!

Trades Schools Now Trending
Helping Kids Take Flight

3. A broad Education in Heat Treating Coming Your Way
Sometimes, it’s the small things on social media that grab your attention or give you the “ah ha!” moment. And sometimes things affecting the industry in other places cause us to go “hmm.” Do any of these short posts make you say “eureka”?
How many Terms Do You Already Know?

All About Quenching

Monitoring Leaks and Dew Point Gases

Having a Blast with Furnaces

4. Open Your Eyes & Ears: The Podcast Corner
You can’t read everything, we get it. Heat Treat Today is here to recommend two informative podcasts and one video to enjoy on your daily commute or during your evening roundup.
Tune in to Listen to Heat Treat Radio #118: Saving Dollars with Ceramic Fiber Insulation

Heat Treating Machined Parts To enhance strength, hardness, durability, and flexibility

Carlos Torres Interviews Steve Kowalski on the Heat Treat Podcast

5. Inspections Are Good … Overinspections Can Be Too Good

Have a great weekend!